Free Wallpaper Design for February 2025

First off, I want to congratulate you on making it through the first 456 days of the month of January 👏🏻 Is it just me, or has this been the longest month in all eternity? I guess I'm glad that it's over, but we're still limping along through the coldest, darkest time of the year for a bit longer. I've been busy trying to recover from winter break with a school-aged kid and being quite burnt out from before the holidays. Then I added a few weeks of my back acting up  — due to my own neglect...I gotta stay on top of doing yoga and stretching — and trying to manage my workload to make the month go by even slower. So, my best hope is that all our mornings aren't Mondays stuck in an endless February (name that song lyric reference and I'll give you a prize....spoiler alert, it's a virtual high five!)

But on to the reason you're here! The free digital wallpaper design for February is a hand-drawn wallpaper in a lovely plum color I saw called the color of the season somewhere. It took me forever to draw all those tiny boxes, so I'll be accepting pats on the back while you scroll down below to download the size you need. Please share and enjoy!

Free Wallpaper for February 2025 | Six Leaf Design | Freelance Graphic + Logo + Brand + Web Designer | Denver, Colorado

Download the size you need here: Desktop Size, Mobile Size, or No Calendar Version


Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

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