Free monthly digital wallpapers, freelance advice, and design + business tips.

Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for March 2025

I hope you've been kind to yourself and maybe gotten a little treat since you were here last! February has been one for the books, to say the least. With all that's going on around us, it feels weird to just sit down to work every day like nothing is happening. Yet here we are. The last few weeks have felt like a confetti cannon of chaos shot right into my face, filled with so much joy and also so much heartache. We celebrated my kiddo turning 6 with a rad birthday party and monster truck show; and also one of my favorite humans is moving across the country. I'm booking out through the summer and have had clients tell me they couldn't be happier with my work; and I also had a client straight-up fire me when they didn't get what they wanted, which was the best decision for everyone including me. The lesson life seems to be trying to teach me right now is that I can hold more than one feeling at a time and still be ok(ish).

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for February 2025

First off, I want to congratulate you on making it through the first 456 days of the month of January 👏🏻 Is it just me, or has this been the longest month in all eternity? I guess I'm glad that it's over, but we're still limping along through the coldest, darkest time of the year for a bit longer. I've been busy trying to recover from winter break with a school-aged kid and being quite burnt out from before the holidays. Then I added a few weeks of my back acting up  — due to my own neglect...I gotta stay on top of doing yoga and stretching — and trying to manage my workload to make the month go by even slower. So, my best hope is that all our mornings aren't Mondays stuck in an endless February (name that song lyric reference and I'll give you a prize....spoiler alert, it's a virtual high five!)

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for January 2025

Happy 2025! I'm sitting at my dining room table designing + trying to send out this January wallpaper design in a slight panic as my 5 year is next to me playing some monster truck game on the iPad. You see, this is the first year I've had a school-aged kid not in daycare; which means regular school breaks with no child care in sight. Which also means the list of internal things I really needed to get done on this break have been largely untouched. Reflecting on the last year, I'm realizing the theme has been a lot of scrambling and putting off my own priorities. Which hasn't been working. While I've had a really successful 2024 in business, I've burnt myself the heck out and it's not sustainable. Something has got to change, and I'm not sure exactly what that is yet. But one thing I do know is that I will be reworking my offerings, raising rates, and taking on fewer new projects to make sure I can give my clients the time + attention they need, while still being able to keep my sanity. 

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for December 2024

You gotta be kidding me that it’s already the very last month of the year! The last few weeks (months) have gone by in such a blur. Partially because it’s my busiest time of year, but I also think it’s just because this is how time works now that I’m getting older and have a kid of my own. This has been one of the best years Six Leaf Design has ever had financially, client-wise, projects, processes…just about everything. I’m really proud of the work I’ve done this year, both creatively and as a business owner. I’m hoping to make time for a project recap email because there’s way too much I want to gush over!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for November 2024

I walked outside last night and saw my breath and it’s the first time it’s felt like winter is officially on it’s way! Having grown up in the frozen tundra of the north (North Dakota to be specific), it’s a bit hard for me to enjoy the cold seasons. But I’m trying my best to embrace it and be present. So, here’s a shortlist of things I’m looking forward to in the upcoming months: wearing beanies & sweaters, alllll the soups, playing in the snow with my kindergartener, warm snuggles under cozy blankets, savory and sweet pies, and taking 2 weeks off work for my winter break over Christmas and New Years!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for October 2024

And just like that, we enter the last quarter of the year! I am so not ready for this. Like most years, I’m bracing for a busy season now through the end of the year. Between school starting and everyone wanting to get in their projects before the end of the year, I always have a lot to do at this time. But in between, I’ll be savoring the remnants of summer and trying to enjoy the best bits of autumn: crisp mornings, pumpkin everything, Halloween, sweaters, beanies, and boots! I’m trying to be positive about it, can you tell?

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for September 2024

Ok, but seriously…..

how is it September already?

I’m not ready to let summer go yet! Even though I love Halloween, it always seems like autumn comes too quickly for me. And I feel like I’m in the minority here with pumpkin spice everything already popping up. But it’s coming, whether we’re ready for it or not! In my little corner of the universe I’m settling into a new school routine with my 5-year-old-first-time-kindergartener, my workload is currently steady + manageable, I’ll be going to one more summer concert this month (that’ll make 6!), and I’m about to book out my last slot for the rest of the year, so hit me up if you’ve been considering getting on my radar.

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for August 2024

Happy August my fine friends! We’re winding the summer down and getting ready for school to start, which means lots of folks are getting ready to amp up their businesses now that they’ll have more time with kids gone. At least that’s been the pattern I’ve noticed over the last few years when I start getting an influx of inquiries right around now. This year I’ve been pretty consistently busy through the whole summer and actually only have 2 more project start dates for 2024 🤯 July was a mix of busy and slow for me, with the launch of 2 brands + websites and 2 more in the pipeline nearly ready to launch. I also took the last 2 weeks of the month off for my summer break and went completely offline at a yoga retreat. I highly recommend! The month felt like a whole year with everything going on, so I’m actually looking forward to getting back into a little more routine.

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for July 2024

Welcome to July, everyone! How does it already feel like it’s halfway through summer?! I’ve been busy with lot of branding + website projects and booking new clients who I’m soooo excited to work with. Usually I hit a summer slump, but things still haven’t slowed down here. But I’ve got my summer work break coming up at the end of the month when I’ll get some time to recoup and regroup (plus do lots and lots of yoga). Hopefully you’re getting a good break sometime this summer, too!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for June 2024

Hi and hello! Welcome to June! It’s almost summertime and everything greening up makes me so happy. This time last year was really challenging for me. Lots of life changes and business was suuuuper slow. Not just for me, but for almost every creative freelancer I know. In comparison, this year I feel like I’ve gotten into a new groove and business hasn’t slowed down since the new year. In fact, May was my highest earning month ever in my entire life 🤯 I’m trying not to let it go to my head, because I know that with every up there is a down. But man, it feels pretty good to be on the up again (remind me just how good next time I’m in the down, ok?).

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for May 2024

Happy May! We're seeing warmer, summery-er weather in my neck of the woods, and I am feeling it in my whole being. I've had a really great start to the year, but the winter really brings me into a funk mood-wise. So, I'm welcoming this next season with open arms and hoping for evening patio warmth soon. April wasn't quite as crazy as March for business, but it's still been busy enough that I've been heads down without much time for networking. I usually see a slowdown in the summer, but things are always up in the air. I'm looking forward to a few website builds this month as well as starting a new branding project. Plus, I'd love to get out and start seeing folks in my biz circles again soon. If that's you, please hit me up!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for April 2024

Hey friends! We’ve made it all the way through the first quarter of 2024. WOOHOO!!! The first 1/4 of the year is historically a busy one for me, and this year was no exception. In March alone, I built 3 websites, created an online shop, designed a logo, and designed + developed 2 email newsletter templates. Plus, I had a handful of other miscellaneous projects for past clients and took a family trip to Arizona for almost a week. Phew! And it doesn’t seem to be slowing down quite yet, but I’m so excited to see what this next quarter brings. I’m hoping to spend some time doing some internal business work + also get away from my desk and out to network with more real life people. So, hit me up if you wanna grab a coffee!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for March 2024

Hey hello and hi there! Once again we’re here at the beginning of a new month, and I’m hoping it’ll be a great one. January and February are hard months for me because 1) I’m usually busy with work projects that were scheduled before the holidays, and 2) being the coldest and darkest months of the year take a toll on my mental health. Even though we’ve had more 60+ sunny days so far in 2024 than I can count! I’ve also been working away behind the scenes on a handful of brand + website projects that I’m looking forward to launching either this month or next. Plus, I’m taking a trip to Arizona in a few weeks, and the warmth will be such a nice break! So, I think March will be a good one!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for February 2024

Hello and happy February, friends! It’s the shortest month of the year, even with the extra leap day. Which for some reason makes me feel like that means winter will be over sooner, even though logically that doesn’t make a ton of sense. I guess we’ll just have to see what ol’ Punxsutawney Phil says tomorrow (and yes, I did have to look up the spelling on that while writing this). I had a good first month of 2024 for Six Leaf Design, even if it felt a bit chaotic. I was able to book a few upcoming projects, launch a One Week Website, kickoff two new brand projects, and start to get my tax stuff in order (the least fun part of the new year!). So, while January was the longest month in all eternity, I’m still counting it as a good one!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for January 2024

Well, here we are. Start of a new year. All the hubbub from the holidays dying down as we enter into that long, cold, dark stretch before spring laid out in front of us like a never-ending corridor with no doors or windows. Does anyone else feel like these first 3 months of the year stretch on longer than the entire rest of the 9 months combined? December went by so fast that I don't even know if Bob is my uncle or not. I launched 2 websites + developed brand assets for clients in the first week of the month. Then over my holiday break I added a few portfolio entries here and launched 3 new semi-custom brand suites here before Christmas. And I've spent the last week avoiding work and just recharging with lots of coffee, snacks, reading, and kitty cuddles. I hope wherever you were, you were able to get some rest + recharging in yourself.

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for December 2023

Hi friends! We’re in the home stretch of the year with just one more month to go! I always have a big push the last few weeks before the holidays, and this year is no different with two One Week Website packages scheduled back to back (who did this to me??!!…oh yeah…). But then I get to take the last weeks of the month off from client work and it’ll be a much welcomed break. I’m excited for some down time to rest, work on my own business, and celebrate. But until then, be sure you’re following along on my Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook to see when new brands and websites launch if you’re interested in seeing what I’ve been working on!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for November 2023

Hello hello fine people of the internet! I hope you had the spookiest of Halloween seasons and ate so much candy corn it made you want to barf. Or maybe just the thought of candy corn is enough for that! October was a whirlwind for me with two One Week Websites, a new Brand Foundations package starting, and another brand + website package wrapping up. Plus, I managed to book out the rest of my start dates for 2023, which is a big relief that I'll be all set with projects until after the new year. But I opened my calendar yesterday to suddenly realize that the month was gone and another wallpaper design needed to be created. So here we are!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for October 2023

Hello friends! We’re entering the fall season and each morning feels a little chillier than the last (even though it’s still getting up towards the 90s by afternoon here in Denver)! I’m trying to enjoy all the lovely things about this season before the doom and gloom of winter hits. So, let’s list a few of my favorite things about autumn that I’m grateful for, because gratitude can literally rewire your brain to look for the good: sunshine on a crisp day, the pretty leaves changing color, pumpkin spice everything except lattes, big warm hoodie season, yummy comfort food like soups and hot dishes, allllllll the Halloween decorations! That’s all I’ve got for now, but even just thinking about those things helps me remember how much good stuff comes along with the change of seasons.

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for september 2023

🎵 Happy workiversary to me 🎵 happy workiversary to me 🎵 happy workiversary dear Six Leaf 🎵 happy workiversary to me! Oh, you didn’t know that September is my workiversary? And this one is a special milestone for me — as of September 1st, I’ve officially been running Six Leaf Design (and creating monthly wallpapers) for 10 years. An entire decade. That means 120 wallpaper designs! I can’t even believe it and honestly, I’m not exactly sure how I feel about it. On one hand, it’s hard not to think that I should be further along. On the other hand, I’m really proud of my business + the work that I do and how far I’ve come in these years. I’m gonna try to focus on the positive hand, and maybe put an ice cream cone in it to celebrate 🍦

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for August 2023

Well, here we are again. The start of another month. And right when I feel like summer is just beginning, it’s supposed to be winding down. It’s like time is always playing tricks on me. But now is the time I appreciate being in Colorado, because we’ll still have a few more months of hot days and warm nights before that one week of autumn hits us out of nowhere (if you know, you know!). So, I’m gonna try to keep the summer spirit alive as long as I can and enjoy every ounce of it.

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