Free Wallpaper Design for September 2024

Ok, but seriously… is it September already? I’m not ready to let summer go yet! Even though I love Halloween, it always seems like autumn comes too quickly for me. And I feel like I’m in the minority here with pumpkin spice everything already popping up. But it’s coming, whether we’re ready for it or not! In my little corner of the universe I’m settling into a new school routine with my 5-year-old-first-time-kindergartener, my workload is currently steady + manageable, I’ll be going to one more summer concert this month (that’ll make 6!), and I’m about to book out my last slot for the rest of the year, so hit me up if you’ve been considering getting on my radar.

But on to the real reason we’ve gathered here today! Instead of doing the work I actually needed to be doing, I spent way too much time doodling some cute lil robots because I thought it would be fun. Where did this idea come from? Who knows where thoughts come from, they just appear (if you can name that movie quote, I’ll give you a high five ✋🏻). Download these adorable little guys to beep boop your way through September using the links below. Please share and enjoy!

Free Wallpaper for September 2024 | Six Leaf Design | Freelance Graphic + Logo + Brand + Web Designer | Denver, Colorado

Download the size you need here: Desktop Size, Mobile Size, or No Calendar Version

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Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

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