How To Showcase Client Logos On Your Website

One of the biggest jobs your website does is build credibility for you. And there are lots of ways to do that, but social proof is a super powerful one. What does that mean? It means showing other people have already had a great experience using your product or working with you. Testimonials are one awesome way to do that, but another great way is to display the logos of big, reputable companies you’ve worked with or been featured by. Why does this help build credibility? Well, because if those companies trusted you enough to work with you, then so can Suzie who found you on Instagram!


Why Feature Client Logos?

Showing off client logos isn't just about decorating your digital space or looking cool — it's strategic to play off the prestige of those companies who already have a following. Each logo enhances your brand’s reputation simply by association. When visitors recognize these logos, they transfer some of their trust to you and that can significantly boost your own brand's image.

Step 1: Gather Featured Logos

The first thing you'll need to do is to gather your logos. Asking your previous clients to send you their logo to use, or, if you already have permission, you can search for their logo on Google or source from their website. Make sure the file looks clear and crisp (that usually means it’s high resolution), has a transparent background OR has the same background color of the section you're adding it to, and that you save all the files to one central location on your computer so you can upload all at once super easily.

Step 2: Edit Featured Logos

Consistency is key when getting your logos ready for your website. Resize all logos to the same dimensions and aspect ratio to maintain a clean look. This will help them to not be all wonky and different sizes, which can look really jarring.

Also, consider the color scheme of these logos — do you want the featured logos to be full color, grayscale, or all black? I like to thing about how they'll appear on the site as a whole. Switching to grayscale or a uniform color like black can prevent clashing colors and let your site's branding take centerstage.

Step 3: Add Featured Logos

Finally, you'll want to decide where on your site to feature the logos. The most common places are on the homepage and the about page, but whichever page you decide on, be sure to choose placement that naturally reinforce your credibility. Imagine you're a first-time visitor: Where would seeing these logos make the most impact to show people you're a trustworthy business and worth the investment?

For my friends on Squarespace:

  • The simplest solution is to create a static logo bar — try following this guide: Static Logo Bar Tutorial

  • If you're comfortable with CSS or want something fancy, try an auto-scrolling logo slider with this tutorial: Scrolling Logo Slider

For the less code-inclined or those not on Squarespace, snag a widget that does the heavy lifting like this one: Easy Logo Showcase

Adding a logo showcase to your website is a powerful move that boosts your credibility and brands you as a big shot. They're visual cues to reinforce your credibility. So, go ahead and add that reel of fabulous companies you've worked with to prove how trustworthy and credible you are!

Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

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