Free Wallpaper Design for June 2024

Hi and hello! Welcome to June! It’s almost summertime and everything greening up makes me so happy. This time last year was really challenging for me. Lots of life changes and business was suuuuper slow. Not just for me, but for almost every creative freelancer I know. In comparison, this year I feel like I’ve gotten into a new groove and business hasn’t slowed down since the new year. In fact, May was my highest earning month ever in my entire life 🤯 I’m trying not to let it go to my head, because I know that with every up there is a down. But man, it feels pretty good to be on the up again (remind me just how good next time I’m in the down, ok?). 

But on to the wallpaper for June! This month’s free digital design was inspired by/stolen from a client’s unused brand assets, and since I’m so busy that’s the best way for me to maximize my creative time. Plus, look how cute all these shapes are together! Get your screens fancied up by grabbing the size you need below. Please share and enjoy!

Free Wallpaper for June 2024 | Six Leaf Design | Freelance Graphic + Logo + Brand + Web Designer | Denver, Colorado

Download the size you need here: Desktop Size, Mobile Size, or No Calendar Version

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Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

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