Free Wallpaper for December 2017

You guys...November seriously went by in the blink of an eye. I've been crazy busy with logos and web designs that I can't wait to share with the world. I'm also trying to wrap things up so I can take a break from client projects later in December to work on my own business + branding. (Finding time to work on your own stuff is always the hardest!) PLUS it doesn't help that we're still having 60 degree days here in Denver, so it doesn't even truly seem like the holidays yet.

Well, even though we aren't getting those frigid temps yet, I'm sure they're on their way and I'm prepared with this ugly sweater theme for the FREE digital wallpaper for the month of December. Scroll down to get the size you need and please share + enjoy!

Also if you're interested, I thought I'd start sharing some things that I'm enjoying in these monthly posts. So let me know if it's something you're into. If not, I'll probably keep sharing them regardless!

Things I'm digging this month

Listening: Golden Dandelions by Barns Courtney
Reading: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Watching: The Punisher on Netflix

Get at my on the social medias! You can find me on Facebook here and on Instagram here.

Download the size you need by opening the link and right clicking to save. If you are on a mobile device, open the link in your browser and save the image to your photos, then go to settings and select your photo as your wallpaper. 2560px x 1600px, 1920px x 1080px, 1680px x 1050px, 1440px x 900px, 1280px x 800px, iPad, iPhone 5, iPhone 6 or 7, iPhone 6 or 7 Plus, and Droid.

Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

Free Wallpaper for January 2018


Free Wallpaper for November 2017