Free monthly digital wallpapers, freelance advice, and design + business tips.
Accessibility Upgrades For Small Business Websites
I’ve been having conversations with clients and doing research into accessibility + ADA compliance for small business websites. Sounds super exciting, right? Well whether it’s exciting or not, it's important. So I wanted to share some of the things I’m learning and 5 easy accessibility upgrades you can make to your web design so that together we can all pitch in to help the online world become a more accessible place.
Why Hire a Graphic Designer for Your Logo
Your logo is the literal face of your business. It’s the first thing people see and the main visual image that they will remember. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that yours is making the right impression from the very beginning. If your logo looks outdated, boring, or even cheap, you may be losing valuable business when potential customers walk away. While it may be tempting to purchase a premade logo on sites like 99 Designs, Fiverr or Etsy, you may not be getting exactly what you think you are. So if you are on the fence about whether you should invest in a custom logo, then here are a few reasons why you may want to consider hiring a graphic designer for your logo.
5 Tips for Designing a Better Logo
Creating a unique and memorable logo may sound easy, but there are so many things to take into consideration when trying to create the most important aspect of your branding and professional image. Your logo is the first thing that people see and could either result in them jumping into your sales funnel or disregarding you as a legitimate business. That’s why it’s SO important to have a professional logo design to represent how amazing you and your business are! Whether you’re doing it yourself or considering hiring a designer, these tips are helpful to create the best logo possible!
35 Things To Do With Your Brand Pattern
If there's one thing I get super excited about, it's creating brand patterns for clients. It happens to be one of this pattern-obsessed designer’s favorite parts of a branding project. A brand pattern is a distinctive, repeating design that's used as part of a brand's visual identity. It helps to create a cohesive look and feel across different materials and platforms, making a brand more recognizable and memorable. The pattern can be abstract or representational, simple or complex, and I’ll sometimes pull elements from a client’s logo design to make it even more ingrained in the overall brand foundations. It's a versatile tool to inject your business's personality into just about anything and strengthen your brand's appeal and consistency.
So, let’s roll out the patterned carpet! I’m sharing some nifty ways to sprinkle a little more you into your universe with 35 ways to use your brand pattern:
The Value of a Well-Crafted Logo design
I recently sat down at a coffee chat with a networking buddy, and he hits me with this bombshell: his friend quoted what could only be described as a small fortune to do his logo design. His disbelief was evident, which led me to drop my own bombshell: I wouldn't do a logo design for less than three times that amount. Cue the disbelief and raised eyebrows. Let me be clear, you don't need a crazy expensive logo to get the job done if it's not worth the price tag to you. But it is important to recognize that a logo isn't just a doodle. It's the face of your business, and that's worth a bit more than pocket change. Here’s why I charge what I do for a well-crafted logo design.
Hiring A Brand + Web Designer In Denver
When I moved to Denver, I was terrified to enter the field as a newbie graphic designer. I knew how saturated the city was with multiple design schools spewing out amazingly talented people every year, while I was mostly self-taught and fairly inexperienced (I even considered going back to school to get some sort of degree or certificate to prove I knew what I was doing). Now I've got over a decade living + working here under my belt, so I feel pretty confident in what I’m doing. And I can say that while there definitely are tons of designers in the Denver market, doing your due diligence to find the right one for you will pay off in the end.
3 Types of Logos & Which is Right for You
There are three main categories that I typically group logo designs into: illustrative, iconic, and typographical. All three have many great attributes, and each also has drawbacks. But the best way to know which is the right one for you is to figure out how you will mostly be using your logo. Once you do, you may find that you want to focus on a specific style.
How To Create a Design Direction For Your New Logo
Designing a logo is more than just creating a pretty looking icon or choosing fonts and colors. A lot of time and consideration should be put into how you want your logo to look and {more importantly} WHY you want it to look a certain way. Before you even get started on the design, you should take some time to decide on the design direction of your new logo to make sure that you are properly representing your business and starting your brand off on the right foot. Here are a few steps to get you started on creating a design direction for your logo:
Getting Started Freelancing
Every once in awhile an email floats into my inbox asking me about how to get started freelancing. “Where do you get your clients from? How do you price your services? What’s the most important skill you’ve learned?” All great questions and I love to answer them when I have the time. So, I thought I’d put together some of my thoughts and give you my (possibly unsolicited) advice on getting started as a freelancer.
35 Things To Do With Your Logo
A logo design is the single most important design element that you can have because you will use it the most and it's the first thing people see of your business. Which is why it is SO IMPORTANT that you have a designer create your logo to make sure you’re giving the right first impression to anyone who sees it. But once you have your professionally designed logo and have all the files you need to start using it, what the heck do you do with it?
Well, you’re in luck! Here are 35 ideas for what you can do with your newly designed logo:
Why Are Logo & Brand Design So Expensive?
“Your prices gave me a bit of sticker shock, to be honest.“
“I can’t justify spending thousands and not walking away with physical items.“
“Well I can find someone else to do the exact same thing cheaper.“
These are all things I’ve heard from people during consult calls for my branding services. I think tact sometimes goes out the window when it comes to talking about money, but I get it. My services are expensive. Not as expensive as some, but more expense than others. And I’m not planning to lower them anytime soon because I know exactly what goes into those services. Creating a strategic, intentional brand from scratch is one of the hardest parts of building your marketing toolkit. It’s so much harder than throwing together 264 different looking graphics just because the templates are available on Canva. So let me break down some of the maybe unseen value that you’re getting when you book a brand package with an experienced designer (like me!).
Things That Worked (And Didn't) In 2020
It’s that time of year. No, not the most wonderful time of the year. The time of year when my schedule starts slowing down and I start reflecting because we’re going into the new year.