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The 3 Most Important Pieces of Information That Your Website Needs
Things That Worked (And Didn't) In 2020
It’s that time of year. No, not the most wonderful time of the year. The time of year when my schedule starts slowing down and I start reflecting because we’re going into the new year.
10 Things I'd Tell My 10-Years Younger Self
Someone explain to me how 2000 can be 20 years ago? But also, the 80’s were 20 years ago? Actually, that does make sense because I literally do not feel like the same person I did 10 years ago. I thought about doing some sort of reflection post about the last decade, but it ended up being more of a letter to my younger self and I’m okay with that. Read below for the 10 things I’d tell my 10-years younger self + some fun throwback pics.