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Be Less Professional, Get More Business

“Marian told me that she thought you were a robot.”

These are the words that my business buddy confessed to me after her friend hired me to design a landing page for her copywriting business. After emailing back and forth a few times with Marian, we hopped on the phone to dig into the details of her project. She said that I seemed like a completed different person when she heard my actual voice than I did over email. That’s when she told my friend that she had thought that I might be a robot. And not the cool kind. The kind that might be an automated bot and you don’t want to give your credit card number or any personal info to. It wasn’t until we got on the phone that I became a real person to her with a funny and quirky personality -- which is why we ended up getting along so well and her project was a huge success!

This is how I came to the realization that I’ve been stuck in a professional rut...I’m literally being TOO professional. I’ve somehow trained myself to come off as so professional that I have all the personality of a block of cheese. And for someone who preaches about letting your personality shine through in your business -- I’m not practicing it myself.

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Know How Lindsey Gira Know How Lindsey Gira

Quick Tips: SEO & Blogging With Squarespace

Blogging is a great way to engage with your target audience, position yourself as an expert in your field and (bonus!) improve your SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization. One of the best ways to improve your SEO is to continue to add new and relevant information to your site, and the easiest way to do that is by blogging. But once you’ve written your blog post, there are a few simple things you can to do within Squarespace to improve your SEO even more.

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Know How Lindsey Gira Know How Lindsey Gira

Why Are Logo & Brand Design So Expensive?

“Your prices gave me a bit of sticker shock, to be honest.“

“I can’t justify spending thousands and not walking away with physical items.“

“Well I can find someone else to do the exact same thing cheaper.“

These are all things I’ve heard from people during consult calls for my branding services. I think tact sometimes goes out the window when it comes to talking about money, but I get it. My services are expensive. Not as expensive as some, but more expense than others. And I’m not planning to lower them anytime soon because I know exactly what goes into those services. Creating a strategic, intentional brand from scratch is one of the hardest parts of building your marketing toolkit. It’s so much harder than throwing together 264 different looking graphics just because the templates are available on Canva. So let me break down some of the maybe unseen value that you’re getting when you book a brand package with an experienced designer (like me!).

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Know How Lindsey Gira Know How Lindsey Gira

How to Establish Trust On Your Website

When people visit your website there's always an end goal. An action you want them to perform, a product you want them to buy, some sort of next step you want them to take towards hiring you. But how do you get people to do these things? A big part of getting your visitors to do you what you want is by establishing trust with them so that they are willing to invest in you. People want to invest their money in credible products and services, they want to know that they can trust you with their money. Everything that you do on your website contributes to this in some way, but here a few things you can implement right away to start building that trust with your users.

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Know How Lindsey Gira Know How Lindsey Gira

How to Get & Feature Testimonials On Your Website

Believe it or not, your past clients are some of the most valuable assets you have to get new business. They know your quality of work, have great things to say about you (hopefully), and have the power to influence your future potential clients who may be on the fence about hiring you.

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Know How Lindsey Gira Know How Lindsey Gira

Crash Course: Squarespace Images Block

We as humans are visual people, so it makes sense that by adding images to your website you immediately make it more dynamic. But you don't have to just plop an image in and call it good. With the Squarespace image block there are 6 different layouts to choose from to add more creativity to your site. And they work the same no matter what template you're on! Watch the video for a crash course on the Squarespace images block or read below for a description of each layout style.

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Know How Lindsey Gira Know How Lindsey Gira

2018 Digital Marketing Trends

It’s 2018 and the times are a changing. Even more rapidly for the marketing world. A couple weeks ago I went to a panel focused on digital marketing trends for 2018. And while the topic of many of the presentations were focused on much larger companies than I normally work with, there’s no reason that we as small business owners can’t apply some of these same tactics and to great results. Here are my top three takeaways translated for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

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