Free monthly digital wallpapers, freelance advice, and design + business tips.
Free Monthly Wallpapers & Business + Design Advice | Logo, Brand, Graphic + Web Designer | Denver

The 3 Most Important Pieces of Information That Your Website Needs
Lindsey Gira
Lindsey Gira
Free Wallpaper for January 2020
I really like the concept of choosing a word for the new year to focus on what’s important. So for 2020 I’ve chosen the word realign. My goals these days are more about creating the life + feelings that I want to experience rather than trying to attain something. Over the last year I’ve had to redefine what makes me successful, motivated and essentially who I am as a person. And I’m so excited to keep working on it this year. So the free wallpaper for January is a bit of a celebration and I hope it brings some fun into your life!