Free monthly digital wallpapers, freelance advice, and design + business tips.
Accessibility Upgrades For Small Business Websites
I’ve been having conversations with clients and doing research into accessibility + ADA compliance for small business websites. Sounds super exciting, right? Well whether it’s exciting or not, it's important. So I wanted to share some of the things I’m learning and 5 easy accessibility upgrades you can make to your web design so that together we can all pitch in to help the online world become a more accessible place.
How to Fix The Instagram Feed On Your Squarespace Web Design
Maybe it's been a minute since you've looked at your website, and when you do you notice that your Instagram block isn’t showing your most recent posts on Squarespace. In fact, it seems like it hasn't been updated in quite awhile. It's not uncommon to have issues with the Instagram block syncing on Squarespace. There are a couple common reasons this happens: the authentication has expired, you've changed your password, or an update on Instagram itself (Instagram updates can affect how websites like Squarespace interact with your feed and they update it A LOT). But do not panic! The fix for these issues is easy, and I've put together a step-by-step guide to show you exactly how to reconnect the Instagram feed block on Squarespace.
35 Things To Do With Your Brand Pattern
If there's one thing I get super excited about, it's creating brand patterns for clients. It happens to be one of this pattern-obsessed designer’s favorite parts of a branding project. A brand pattern is a distinctive, repeating design that's used as part of a brand's visual identity. It helps to create a cohesive look and feel across different materials and platforms, making a brand more recognizable and memorable. The pattern can be abstract or representational, simple or complex, and I’ll sometimes pull elements from a client’s logo design to make it even more ingrained in the overall brand foundations. It's a versatile tool to inject your business's personality into just about anything and strengthen your brand's appeal and consistency.
So, let’s roll out the patterned carpet! I’m sharing some nifty ways to sprinkle a little more you into your universe with 35 ways to use your brand pattern:
The Value of a Well-Crafted Logo design
I recently sat down at a coffee chat with a networking buddy, and he hits me with this bombshell: his friend quoted what could only be described as a small fortune to do his logo design. His disbelief was evident, which led me to drop my own bombshell: I wouldn't do a logo design for less than three times that amount. Cue the disbelief and raised eyebrows. Let me be clear, you don't need a crazy expensive logo to get the job done if it's not worth the price tag to you. But it is important to recognize that a logo isn't just a doodle. It's the face of your business, and that's worth a bit more than pocket change. Here’s why I charge what I do for a well-crafted logo design.
Why Do Colors Look Different on Screens vs Print?
Color is one of those tricky things that can look different depending on so many factors. Something blue on my screen, might look more purple on your due to the quality of your device, resolution, and individual settings. It gets even more complex when you're comparing the colors on a digital screen, which uses a 3-color process (RGB), to printed colors, which uses a 4-color process (CMYK). Not to mention the differences you may see depending on your printer brand, the quality, ink levels, etc. So, if you've ever wondered why the engaging colors on your screen lose their luster on paper, you're not alone. Let's demystify the reasons behind the color discrepancy between digital screens and print.
Hiring An Agency vs Freelance Designer In Denver
You've got a business that you work hard on day in and day out, and you're ready to take it to the next level by developing your brand + website design. Now, you're faced with a crucial decision: do you hire a local freelance designer here in Denver, or do you go the agency route? Before you start summoning the corporate cavalry, let me share a few of my thinking-est thoughts on why hiring a freelance designer might be your best choice — or not!
5 Reasons To Hire A Freelance Designer In Denver
I know that your business is your baby. You've birthed it, raised it, and watched it develop. So, when it's time to level up your branding or website it's important to decide whether or not working with a freelance designer in Denver is the right choice for you. If you're on the fence, I'm dropping 5 compelling reasons why partnering with a freelancer can be the secret sauce to your business's success.
3 Things To Do When Business Is Slow
I’ve been freelancing for 6 years now. And I think that I’ve finally come to accept that there are ebbs and flows when it comes to the amount of work I have. I used to panic every time I had a little lull (ask any of my business besties about the frantic phone calls they’d get). But nowadays I try to embrace the slower times and have faith that it’ll come back around. So when you find yourself coming down from a peak into one of these valleys, here are 3 things you can do when business is slow that continue to build your business and help you get more work coming down your funnel.
Watch Your Language
You know how some people cringe at the word moist? It's just got a gross sound to it and sends a nasty image through your mind. Well, if you're not watching the language you use for your brand and website you may as well be shouting MOIST MOIST MOIST MOIST MOIST from your proverbial rooftop. The words you choose to use give off a certain impression of you and when you're representing your brand, you gotta make sure that impression is the right one. Here are three ways you can watch your language and more effectively communication with your audience.
How To Level Up Your Online Presence
Face to face in the real world, it’s fairly easy for people to get a feel for what it’d be like to work with you. But online, it’s harder to get the full picture of who you really are and what you’re like. And if you don’t have any presence online at all, it can be a red flag for someone who might not think you’re not a legitimate business because they Googled you, and the only thing that came up was your Xanga page from 7th grade (yiiiiiiikes!). So start here if you’re looking for a way to look more professional online, level up your online presence or maybe even just get started with the basics.
10 Blog Post Ideas For Your New Website
Did you know that blogging is one of the best ways to improve your search engine rankings so you’ll appear higher on Google? Everyone poo poos on blogging, but it could be the one thing that truly helps you get in front of more people. I get it, I get it…you don’t think you have anything good to say that anyone would be interested in. Or you feel stupid talking on the internet when it feels like you’re just shouting into the void. But if even one person makes it to your blog, then it’s worth it if you ask me. So whenever you’re ready to pull up your big girl pants and share your expertise, here are 10 fresh ideas to help get you started on your new blog.
Why Are Logo & Brand Design So Expensive?
“Your prices gave me a bit of sticker shock, to be honest.“
“I can’t justify spending thousands and not walking away with physical items.“
“Well I can find someone else to do the exact same thing cheaper.“
These are all things I’ve heard from people during consult calls for my branding services. I think tact sometimes goes out the window when it comes to talking about money, but I get it. My services are expensive. Not as expensive as some, but more expense than others. And I’m not planning to lower them anytime soon because I know exactly what goes into those services. Creating a strategic, intentional brand from scratch is one of the hardest parts of building your marketing toolkit. It’s so much harder than throwing together 264 different looking graphics just because the templates are available on Canva. So let me break down some of the maybe unseen value that you’re getting when you book a brand package with an experienced designer (like me!).
Things That Worked (And Didn't) In 2020
It’s that time of year. No, not the most wonderful time of the year. The time of year when my schedule starts slowing down and I start reflecting because we’re going into the new year.
Free Wallpaper for January 2020
I really like the concept of choosing a word for the new year to focus on what’s important. So for 2020 I’ve chosen the word realign. My goals these days are more about creating the life + feelings that I want to experience rather than trying to attain something. Over the last year I’ve had to redefine what makes me successful, motivated and essentially who I am as a person. And I’m so excited to keep working on it this year. So the free wallpaper for January is a bit of a celebration and I hope it brings some fun into your life!
10 Things I'd Tell My 10-Years Younger Self
Someone explain to me how 2000 can be 20 years ago? But also, the 80’s were 20 years ago? Actually, that does make sense because I literally do not feel like the same person I did 10 years ago. I thought about doing some sort of reflection post about the last decade, but it ended up being more of a letter to my younger self and I’m okay with that. Read below for the 10 things I’d tell my 10-years younger self + some fun throwback pics.
Free Wallpaper for October 2019
🎵It’s the most wonderful time of the year 🎵 No…not Christmas, October! I usually do something Halloween themed, but this year I’m leaning in to my basic bitch self and decided the do an all things basic fall pattern for the free digital October wallpaper design. Download and slap all the warm fall feelings onto your screens.