Free monthly digital wallpapers, freelance advice, and design + business tips.

Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for July 2023

Hello summer! It’s here in full force and we’re all ready for it. Well, I am at least. My favorite parts of summer, you ask? For me it’s the slower pace, the warm night walks, and margaritas on patios to name a few. But I recently saw a meme saying the only reason we actually like summer is because we’ve been conditioned to from summer vacation off school as kids. Could be true, but it still feels like there’s a special kind of joy that comes along with summer time. How about you?

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for June 2023

Hi there! Sorry for being a day late with this guy — I’m sure you’ve been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for it. There’s only been one other time in the last 9.5 years that I can remember being late with the monthly wallpaper design, but life has been chaotic lately so I’m trying to give myself some leeway. And also, shhhh don’t tell anyone, but I repurposed this design from a 2020 wallpaper (bonus points if you remember it!). I updated the calendar and tweaked the colors though, so that counts for something.

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for May 2023

Hey party people! Summer will soon be arriving. Can you feel it? I’m seeing tulips blossom, trees budding, and tank tops are making their first appearances at the park (it’s still a little too cold for me, but it doesn’t seem to be stopping the guy doing pushups on the playground equipment while his 2-year-old plays). I’m so glad that May is here and I’ve got a strange little wallpaper design for you this month.

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper Design for April 2023

Hello April! I’m glad to welcome you here and hopefully warm spring weather will follow. March was a struggle, so I’m happy to be kicking it to the curb and embracing a fresh new month. What about you? I’m entering a season where I’ll be practicing a lot of patience and waiting, both of which are hard for me. So, I’m reaching into my tool belt for all those coping skills I went to therapy for and hoping for the best 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for March 2023

Well, February went by in the blink of an eye, huh? I guess it’s the shortest month of the year, but I feel even less prepared to go barreling into a new one than usual. This first quarter is turning out to be very full for me both personally and professionally — full of pressure, joy, grief, laughter, stress, relief, tears…all of the above! I’m looking forward to things hopefully evening out in the next months as things settle down and I get a grip on reality. And I’m hoping that for you as well if you’re in the same boat, my dudes!

But either way, I’m here with a fresh new free wallpaper design for March and we’re back to pattern land! I recently took a long weekend and stayed at a historical hotel that inspired an art deco style pattern for this month’s design. It’s two parts funky, one part traditional, and umpteen parts fun! Grab yours using the links below to fancify your digital screens this month. And as always, please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for February 2023

Hi hi and hello! Happy February! What a year January has been, am I right?! Why does it always feel like the longest month of the year? Maybe it's just me, but this is the time of year when the cold + dark really starts to set in, and I start counting down the days to spring warmup. So, if you're in the same boat, I've got a message for you: Keep it up! You're doing great! You are enough!

And if that doesn't help, maybe downloading the new free wallpaper design for February will do just a little bit to brighten your day. I was looking for a fun February color palette, but everything is all pinks/purples/pastels for Valentine's Day, and that's just not what I'm craving this year. So, a funky retro design with loads of texture is what I went with instead. The heart wants what the heart wants. Please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for January 2023

Hello friends! I hope you had a wonderful + restful holiday season! These last 2 weeks looked a bit different to me from the past few years. I actually took time off to rest! Instead of doing internal business things (i.e. redesigning my entire brand and website like I did in one week last year), I spent time with family, played in the snow, read a book, napped, ate lots of pie, saw friends, and overall just tried to savor a bit of time away from my computer. I’m not a big fan of setting goals for the new year, because I can set + work towards goals any time that I choose rather than some arbitrary date on the calendar. However, I have been doing a little reflecting on what I want more and less of in my business in 2023. More: connecting with industry people, deep dives into branding + web design projects, supporting my existing clients, giving back. Less: ignoring red flags, overbooking myself, time spent alone, doing things I don’t enjoy.

But back to the reason you’re here! The free wallpaper design for January is here and ready to brighten up your new year. Playing with brush textures and an unexpected color palette, this one is sure to bring a smile to your face every time you look at it. Slap this baby on all your screens by downloading the size you need below. Please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for December 2022

Great news everybody…we made it! We made it to the end of one more year. And once we get through the holidays we’re home free to enjoy the darkest and coldest time of the year with nothing more to look forward to. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Obviously I’m not the most Christmas-y person, or more so I tend to find this time of year to be exceptionally stressful. But I’m trying to let myself off the hook for any high expectations I might have for myself. Be it for decorating the house, getting the perfect gift for every single person in my life, or not always being the most productive at work. Just saying that makes me breath a little sigh of relief, so I highly recommend.

But onto the free wallpaper design for December featuring spruce tree inspired snowflakes in an adorable border pattern that I’m making all the googley eyes at. Over the past few years I’ve intentionally tried to make this month’s wallpaper more about winter/the holiday spirit in general, rather than specifically Christmas, to be more inclusive. That’s what feels good to me, but I promise I’m not telling anyone they can’t say “Merry Christmas” and won’t be offended if you do. So, download this frosty digital wallpaper below and have a very merry time of year! Please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for November 2022

Hey internet fam! Hope you're recovering nicely from all the spooky festivities of last month now that Mariah Carey is starting to thaw from her year long slumber. The year feels like it’s already slipping through my fingertips, and I am not prepared for the holiday season at all. So, if you’re like me and are already finding the thought of the upcoming holiday season stressful, I’ve included some extra special good vibes when you download this wallpaper that’ll give you a boost to get you through. You’re welcome ✨✨✨

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for October 2022

Hello hello to all my friends (and enemies)! We’re barreling into autumn whether you’re ready or not. Here in Denver it always feels like summer switches off like a light and cools down overnight. And while I’m still not feeling fully ready to let go of the warmest season, I’m trying to make the most of it before it turns to the coldest. For me that means a few days off to take a mountain getaway and hopefully see some gorgeous fall leaves while I’m there. What are you doing to enjoy the season?

I’ve got one thing that should help! It’s a fresh new digital wallpaper design for you this October. I’m still feeling a bit of that retro vibe, but with some more funky + vibrant colors. Paste this colorful funness on all of your screens for the next 31 days for a little extra happy every time you log on. Please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for September 2022

I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready for summer to end! But here we are, starting September, and the pumpkin spiced everything is rolling out on every corner. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against pumpkin spice! In fact, it’s one of my favorite flavors. But I’m not quite ready to give up the warm summer evenings, drinking out of the hose in the backyard, pool/lake days, and the copious amounts of sunshine. So, I’ll be to savoring every last drop before the weather starts crisping up and leaves start falling.

Either way, the free wallpaper for September is here! It also marks 9 whole years that I’ve been doing the monthly wallpaper. That feels bonkers to write. I’ve got a retro patterned wallpaper for you to make all your digital devices slap happy! Please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for August 2022

HEY-O! We’re headed into August full steam ahead! I typically see a summer slowdown that picks back up around back-to-school season, and I’m anticipating this season to be no different. So, I spent some of that slow time reworking my One Week Website package and, I plan to release the new details + slots this month (keep and eye out for that announcement or hit me up if you’re interested and I’ll make sure you’re the first to know!). I’m super exciting with how it’s shaping up and I can’t wait to share more!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for July 2022

Happy July, my friends! To be honest, the last week leading up to July has been very hard for so many people here in the States, including many of my friends, clients, and myself. Unfortunately, I’m not feeling very patriotic at all with the Independence Day coming up. So, instead of stars and stripes this month, for the free wallpaper for July I’ve got a black design for you to reflect what we’re feeling on the inside. Download your using the links below to slap on all your digital screens as we continue to fight for freedom. Please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for June 2022

Hi there! It's already June and summer is officially getting started now that we're past Memorial Day. I just got back from a Mexico vacation last week, and I'm already looking forward to taking some time off during the slow months of the summer. Or at the very least enjoying lots of patio time in between projects!

But onto the free wallpaper for June, and I have to ask, is anyone else having a tie-dye moment? It's a trend from every millennial's youth that's come back and I'm loooooving it! Gimme all the hippie hippie tie-dye and I'll be a happy camper. Snag this bad boy for yourself and get all your screens vibing! Please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for may 2022

Hello hello, internet friends! It's yet again a new month, this time bringing spring/summer weather and what is typically a slower time of year for me. I'm looking forward to taking some time off this month for a beach vacay and hopefully lots of time spent on patios doing yoga and/or drinking margaritas!

For the free wallpaper for May I wanted to do some loose flower drawings inspired by one of my client's brand refreshes. And purple seemed like the perfect color for a month filled with spring thoughts. Download yours using the links below to splash across all your digital screens. Please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for April 2022

Hello and happy March, my friends! Here we are already 3 months into the year. I feel like so many people I know, myself included, are finally starting to peek their heads out of the little hidey hole they’ve been in since after the holidays. No matter where you’re at or how you’re feeling, I’m happy to be moving into a new season and switching things up.

Speaking of switching things up, the new free wallpaper for March is here with a cool geometric pattern and blue/purple color that I just adore. Snag yours using the links below so you can plaster on all your digital devices. And as always, please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for March 2022

Hello and happy March, my friends! Here we are already 3 months into the year. I feel like so many people I know, myself included, are finally starting to peek their heads out of the little hidey hole they’ve been in since after the holidays. No matter where you’re at or how you’re feeling, I’m happy to be moving into a new season and switching things up.

Speaking of switching things up, the new free wallpaper for March is here with a cool geometric pattern and blue/purple color that I just adore. Snag yours using the links below so you can plaster on all your digital devices. And as always, please share and enjoy!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for February 2022

You guys, it’s February already. When the heck did that happen?? To be completely honest, January was a bit of a sh*t show on my end. Right after Christmas my whole family was exposed to + got Covid and isolated for about 3 weeks without childcare. It took everything I had to keep up as best I could with client work, so social media and any marketing emails of course were the first things to go out the window. What I’m saying is, if you haven’t seen me around lately that’s why! I’m cautiously optimistic about February though!

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper for January 2022

Happy 2022, my friends! We made it through another year together. Whether it was a great one for you or not so much, it’s over either way and we’re being drug into the new year (some of us kicking and screaming). For me, I’m looking to this year with hopeful eyes. Over my holiday break I did a brand refresh and launched an entirely new website. It was a heck of a job to do, but I’m so glad that I did and now I’m excited to start booking my revamped all-in-one brand + website service as well as continue building my new semi-custom brand basics and one week website package.

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Wallpapers Lindsey Gira Wallpapers Lindsey Gira

Free Wallpaper For December 2021

Hello friends and enemies! The final month of 2021 is upon us, and we’re all bracing for the onslaught of holiday marketing + end-of-year recaps (I’m planning to do one myself). Every year it feels more and more like I’m being drug along by the current of time rather than actively swimming through it. The days and hours can float by painstakingly slow, while something that’s 3 weeks away arrives in the blink of an eye. I’m also planning out a site + brand refresh, and even though I do it every day for my clients, it’s all feeling a little overwhelming at the moment.

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